Laws and Regulations: How Much is Too Much? A More Scientific Approach to Evaluating Impacts
Prakash Rao (Enterprise Sherpas), Ann Reedy, PhD (Consultant), and Beryl Bellman, PhD (Professor, Cal State Los Angeles)

Laws and their associated regulations are usually put in place to curb corporate excesses, ensure safety and privacy, and achieve other governmental goals. However, how much regulation is too much? How can an enterprise assess the impacts of new regulations on top of existing regulations and other problems currently being faced by the enterprise? How can an enterprise quickly analyze the scope of the incoming challenge, assess its impact, and logically organize either an enterprise wide acceptance of the new challenge or a considered response as to why these regulations unnecessarily hamper the enterprise’s core businesses? We propose a method of using a standardized set of “scaffoldings” or templates that can be “stacked” to address strategic, operational, and infrastructure concerns in separate layers. We employ techniques that we have successfully used in enterprise architecture to “normalize” the elements of each layer so that like objects are stacked on like objects. This approach allows the enterprise to see where the impacts of the new regulations fall, decide what new enterprise approaches are necessary for compliance, and assess costs and consequences. If the enterprise finds that the new regulations are excessively burdensome, the enterprise can provide reasoned, logical arguments against these regulations instead of just railing against regulation in general.
Prakash Rao
Prakash Rao is a Certified Enterprise Architect with a graduate degree in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota and an undergraduate in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering. Starting as a Research Scientist in the Corporate Computer Science Center at Honeywell Inc in the early 1980s, he has been active as a researcher, Program Manager and line manager and also in systems business development at Honeywell. He was the co-founder of InfoSpan Corporation - one of the industry's first open standard CASE and Information Resource repository development companies.
He taught Enterprise Architecture at the FEAC Institute in the capacity of a Faculty Member for many years and has also co-trained over a thousand staff from the United States Air Force at various USAF locations worldwide. Prakash is also a practicing enterprise architect with over 20 years of experience in EA including participating in one of the earliest EA implementations at USAF Air Mobility Command with EA Pioneers John Zachman and Dr. Steven Spewak in the mid 1990s. He has been active as an invited speaker, facilitator, trainer, consultant and architecture subject matter expert in several engagements over the last 20 years. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Enterprise Sherpas LLC in Fairfax and is also the President of a HOA enterprise comprised of 557 single family homes.
As a co-founder of a venture funded start-up Prakash realizes at first hand, the applicability and usefulness of enterprise architecture techniques to the organizing, management, evolution and governance of startup as well as ongoing enterprises. As a practitioner for more than 15 years, he brings a real world experience to his teaching and training methods.
He also the co-author of the Official Client-Server Guide to Data Warehousing 1995 (QUE Imprint of Macmillan) with Harjinder S. Gill, FEAC Guide to Enterprise Architecture Certification (McGraw Hill) with Ann Reedy and Beryl Bellman in 2011 and the All-In-One Certified Enterprise Architect Exam Guide (McGraw Hill) also with Ann Reedy and Beryl Bellman in 2018.
Ann Reedy, PhD
Dr. Reedy has a PhD in Computer Science with more than 40 years of experience in academia, Federal research and contracting communities. She taught computer science at both the University of Iowa and the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. After working with analyst support systems and software development environments in the Federal contracting community, she focused on Enterprise Architecture. While working for the MITRE Corporation, a Federally Funded Research and Development Center, she was one of the principal developers and editors of the C4ISR Architecture Framework and worked on its evolution into the DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF).
She has adapted the DoDAF for various federal organizations and agencies and supported a wide variety of DoDAF based enterprise architecture startups as well as helping agencies develop enterprise architecture governance processes. These agencies included Treasury, Customs, IRS, and FAA, as well as DoD projects. While at MITRE, her research topics include the integration of security concerns and the use of pattern based approaches in enterprise architecture.
She taught enterprise architecture to groups supporting the U.S. Federal government through the MITRE Institute and through the Federated Enterprise Architecture Certification (FEAC) Institute for over 10 years, as well as co-authoring a textbook for the FEAC.
Now retired from MITRE, she continues to pursue research into new enterprise architecture concepts and approaches. She also the co-author of the FEAC Guide to Enterprise Architecture Certification (McGraw Hill) with Prakash Rao and Beryl Bellman in 2011 and the All-In-One Certified Enterprise Architect Exam Guide (McGraw Hill) in 2018.
Beryl Bellman, PhD
Dr. Bellman is Professor Emeritus at California State University at Los Angeles and was co-founder and Academic Director of the FEAC™ Institute and is also a frequent TOGAF trainer. He has been involved in teaching, research; publishing, consulting and project management in the fields of Enterprise Architecture, Knowledge Management, and Organizational Communications/Behavior for over forty five years, and has an excellent reputation in both academe and professional consulting. He held faculty and research positions at the University of California at San Diego, SUNY Stonybrook, CUNY Graduate Center and California Institute of the Arts, and was Research Director of the Western Behavioral Sciences Institute prior to his current university position. He holds enterprise architecture certifications in FEAF, DoDAF, Zachman, TOGAF 8 and TOGAF 9.
In addition to academic positions he has over thirty years concurrent consulting experience in both government and the private sectors, and has been a Principal Consultant and Project Manager with three major Enterprise Architecture consulting and tool vendor companies. He has consulted in Enterprise Architecture related programs in the public sector for the DoD, Departments of Agriculture, Forest Service, Energy, Justice/INS and the Whitehouse for the Executive Office of the President as well as was a contract consultant for NCR, AT&T, ASK, RAND and Digital Equipment Corporation - working for their internal and external customers. This included doing EA in the aerospace, financial, banking, pharmaceutical, entertainment and manufacturing sectors. He has published several books and numerous articles, and is a frequent presenter at national and international professional and academic conferences. He is also the co-author of the FEAC Guide to Enterprise Architecture Certification (McGraw Hill) with Prakash Rao and Ann Reedy in 2011 and the All-In-One Certified Enterprise Architect Exam Guide (McGraw Hill) in 2018.

Applying Machine Learning to Amass the Body of Scientific Knowledge on Laws and Lawmaking
Gary Saner (Primero Systems)
The accumulation and organization of scientific knowledge of laws and lawmaking and the subsequent application of that knowledge to the creation and evaluation of laws will allow law designers to craft more effective laws.
Since the body of knowledge of laws and lawmaking is scant and a single scientific repository has yet to be discovered by the Science of Laws Institute, significant research, evaluation, collection and classification of any existing published information is required.
Given that the universe of scientific articles is scattered across numerous public and private databases, the task of collection and classification is enormous.
The Science of Laws Institute is attempting to automate the database canvassing, article validation of scientific relevancy and subject-matter classification using machine learning tools and techniques.
This approach requires teaching the machine learning algorithms to learn the definition of “what-good-looks-like.”
Our challenge is to accumulate enough “good” examples to train the algorithm and, if successful, expand the model to evaluate broader repositories of data.
This is a work-in-progress effort with the results of the machine-learning application to be determined.
Gary founded Primero Systems in 1994 with the belief that software’s limitless capabilities can be used to help businesses realize their goals – and that every company’s potential can be improved through the power of software. Under his leadership, Primero has become a trusted software development company with a loyal and varied customer base – from national retail chains to Fortune 1000 companies. Gary has been managing and developing complex systems for more than 30 years; he regularly draws upon that experience to guide Primero forward and ensure the successful completion of mission-critical software projects. As CEO, Gary shapes Primero’s unique culture and drives home the customer-centric mantra of only when a client succeeds does Primero succeed. Integrity, relationships, competence, dedication and quality are all principles that drive Gary and influence Primero’s way of doing business.
Prior to founding Primero, Gary spent 11 years with the U.S. Navy’s submarine force, which was instrumental in shaping his leadership vision. It was there that he saw first-hand the value of teamwork, camaraderie, mutual respect and accountability – attributes Gary carries with him to this day. After his service in the Navy, Gary further honed his craft at Litton Industries (now part of Northrop Grumman), where he successfully developed and implemented numerous complex software solutions for multi-billion dollar companies. Gary is a Certified Scrum Master and a strong advocate of Agile Software development methodologies.

Quality Standards for Law Engineering
David Schrunk, MD (Science of Laws Institute)
Laws of government (statutes, regulations, ordinances…) are the useful problem-solving means, or tools, by which the ends of government are attained. Since laws have a direct impact on human rights, living standards, and quality of life, it is critically important that they are competently designed and maintained to solve societal problems in a just and efficacious manner. However, there are currently no quality standards for the design and evaluation of laws, and the public is placed at risk from poorly designed laws. This paper discusses quality standards for laws. Quality standards, such as globally-recognized ISO 9000 standards, have proven to improve the effectiveness, cost-efficiency, and safety of useful products and procedures. The application of similar quality standards to laws holds the promise of improving the performance of laws (hence governments) for the benefit of the public, and will accelerate the development of the science and engineering disciplines of laws.
David G. Schrunk, MD is an aerospace engineer and medical doctor. He is the founder and president of The Science of Laws Institute of Poway, California, and is the author of the book, THE END OF CHAOS: Quality Laws and the Ascendancy of Democracy.

Science of Laws for Humanity’s Futures on Earth and in Space
Bob Krone, PhD (Kepler Space Institute)
Humanity’s improvement and survival will require the involvement of global leadership and of all the hard and soft sciences, the arts, and the spiritual disciplines in new ways unprecedented for humanity’s history on Earth. Failure to do so will result in too high a risk for irreversible human tragedies. This paper and corresponding presentation will restrict the scope of this challenge to recommendations for ways that the Science of Laws Institute and the Kepler Space Institute can share research and projects focusing on the potentials for solutions to be triggered from Space developments.
Dr. Bob Krone is a global educator, author, and consultant in Advanced Management theory and practice. He is President of the Kepler Space Institute (; An Emeritus Professor of the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, U.S.A. (1975-1993);was a Distinguished Visiting Professor in the School of Business at La Sierra University in Riverside, California, U.S.A.(1992-2007); and an Adjunct Professor for Doctoral Programs in the International Graduate School of Business at the University of South Australia (1995-present). He authored or co-authored twelve books and 90 professional journal articles. He was the Founder and been the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Space Philosophy since 2012.
Bob graduated from the Naval War College Command and Staff College in 1962. He is a Fellow Member of the American Society for Quality( with an academic specialty in the Quality Sciences; Board Member of the National Board of the Distinguished Flying Cross Society (; Past Member Board of Directors of the Veterans Museum and Memorial Center, San Diego, California ( and Emeritus Member Board of Directors of Idyllwild Arts (
Bob stayed in touch with Aerospace after his 1952-1975 career retirement from the United States Air Force, where he flew fighter jets and was decorated with the Silver Star, four Distinguished Flying Crosses, Bronze Star and eleven Air Medals for combat flying in Vietnam, by being a member of the NASA sponsored Aerospace Technology Working Group (ATWG), the Space Development Committee and Kepler Space University. His important space publication was editing BEYOND EARTH: THE FUTURE OF HUMANS IN SPACE (Apogee Space Press, 2006), That book was on the Universe Today list of “Best Space Books in 2006” and was influential as a foundation document for the founding of the Kepler Space University.

Can We Create a Sustainable Government Using the INCOSE SE Measurement Primer?
John Wood, PhD (Science of Laws Institute)
A recent news article by Business Insider shares some troubling facts: The US national debt is rising 36% faster than the economy and the current amount of that debt exceeds $21 trillion. How might the government reconcile such differences in societal needs and available budget? The authors posit that they can be reconciled through the tailoring and adoption of the concepts detailed in the INCOSE Systems Engineering Measurement Primer.
Inspired by the work presented during the previous 4 years at the annual Science of Laws conference held in conjunction with the San Diego Chapter of INCOSE’s annual mini-conference, the authors searched for existing systems engineering tools and techniques that could be applied to create sustainable framework for the laws of government. The INCOSE Systems Engineering Measurement Primer appeared to be a promising asset. As described within that document, measures offer the insight needed for planning, controlling, managing, and improving many aspects of projects and products including: adequacy of performance, resources and cost, growth and stability, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.
During this presentation, the authors will begin by identifying and characterizing the problem space. Next, they will compare the purpose of systems engineering measurement (as defined in the INCOSE primer) to the challenges identified within the problem space. Then, the authors will walk through the concepts of the INCOSE primer and provide feedback on how those concepts might be applied to the creation and management of governmental laws. The authors will conclude with their recommendations for future research and actions.
John Wood, PhD has spent his career pursuing perfection in areas where less-than-perfect performance can be deadly. Over more than two decades he has applied his systems engineering expertise to improve performance, reduce costs, and save lives in healthcare, aviation, and defense. Dr. Wood holds a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy and a Ph.D. in systems engineering from the George Washington University.

Establishing an INCOSE Working Group Dedicated to the Science and Engineering of Governmental Laws Facilitators
John Wood, PhD and David Schrunk, MD (Science of Laws Institute)

This working session will be focused on creating a charter for the proposed INCOSE Working Group dedicated to the Science and Engineering of Governmental Laws. Key topics include, Working Group purpose, goals, scope, outcomes, approach, and measures of success.
John Wood, PhD
John Wood, PhD has spent his career pursuing perfection in areas where less-than-perfect performance can be deadly. Over more than two decades he has applied his systems engineering expertise to improve performance, reduce costs, and save lives in healthcare, aviation, and defense. Dr. Wood holds a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy and a Ph.D. in systems engineering from the George Washington University.
David Schrunk, MD
David G. Schrunk, MD is an aerospace engineer and medical doctor. He is the founder and president of The Science of Laws Institute of Poway, California, and is the author of the book, THE END OF CHAOS: Quality Laws and the Ascendancy of Democracy.